Soul Explorations

Rod O’Neal

Archetypal Astrology Readings

Archai Soul Journeys

Rod O’Neal, PhD
(415) 370-7224

Body ◊ Soul ◊ Cosmos

You are spirit and body, mysteriously and miraculously joined
for this sojourn through life.

And you are embedded in a cosmos profoundly alive
with consciousness and meaning,
intent on helping you evolve toward fuller self-expression.

Through a spiritual understanding of the power
of the astrological archetypes,
my goal is to help you understand your three-fold existence:

  • Understand your soul patterns as symbolized by your birth chart

  • Own your strengths and talents revealed by your planetary complexes

  • Cooperate with the challenges of your transits to transform yourself

  • Create personal relationships with the planetary beings, the Archai

  • Increase your awareness of being in your body

Archetypal Soul Explorations


Archetypal Astrology Readings

Understand the Archetypes that Inform Your Soul

An in-depth exploration of your birth chart, focusing on how the planets were positioned and aligned the moment you were born. We will identify those planetary archetypes that are strong life-long influences as well as those that are asking you to evolve today in specific areas of your life.  

  • Initial 90-minute session - $150

  • Subsequent sessions:

    1. 90 minutes - $130

    2. 60 minutes - $90

    3. 30 minutes - $50

Archai Soul Journeys

Meet and commune with the Archai — the Planetary Beings

Journey with me to meet the Archai, the planetary beings, to learn more about your purpose, current situation, and how you are being directed to grow and evolve. 

Every session is unique to your situation and co-created, but in general I will be your guide to enter a state of being where we will communicate directly with the Archai. Together, we will enter a trance state by combining energy meditation and imaging techniques to meet these powerful beings and gain intuitive insights focused on the evolutionary steps they are helping you to make. 

No experience is necessary. Insights may come in many forms: strong impressions and feelings, meaningful symbols and flashes of colors, specific thoughts and messages, important memories, and more.

  • 2 hour session - $150


Meet Your Soul Card - A Tarot Trance Workshop
Explore your life purpose and path
through the Tarot

When: Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 1-5:30 pm Eastern / 10-2:30 pm Pacific
Where: Zoom (or in-person at Movement Dialogues, Charlotte, NC)
How: RSVP to
Cost: $75 per person*

The Major Arcana of the Tarot are a powerful archetypal expression of the human journey through life. 

Your birthday identifies a particular Major Arcana card as your personal Soul Card. This Soul Card is a reflection of your life’s purpose and your major talents, starting you on a lifelong journey of learning, evolution, and an ever deeper expression of your potential. Applying mystical number theory to the Tarot, each one of us progresses year by year through these cards in cycles, so that possibly all Major Arcana cards apply to each of you at some point in your life — even as you remain always your Soul Card. 

In this 4-hour workshop, I will guide you as you explore all nine possible Soul Cards as an archetypal expression of human incarnation, development, and evolution. Together, we will explore these cards in two powerful ways: first, we will discuss each card as visual images and symbols, and second, we will meditate on each card, sharing insights with each other along the way. 

Symbolic examination of each card

As a group, we will visually examine and discuss each card’s meaning through various lenses, including imagery, mystical number theory, astrology, and the Tree of Life. We will use the Thoth Tarot deck, which powerfully integrates these symbolic systems.

Trance meditation on each card

I will then guide the group to enter a trance state to journey to meet and communicate with each of these archetypes, prompting you with various approaches and questions to enrich your experience, so that you will better understand how they can help you to manifest ever more of your self. 

As preparation for this workshop, you will need to provide me with your birth information, which I will use to determine your Soul Card and send to you before we meet. 

Familiarity with the Tarot will be useful, but not necessary. You should be comfortable with or open to trance or guided imagination journeys, as they will play a central role. 

* Make payments to Rod O’Neal via: 

Zelle (415) 370-7224


Venmo @yendor1754

I also accept payments by check.

A sliding scale is available. 

Cosmos ◊ World ◊ Soul
How current cosmic alignments affect the world and your soul

When: Sunday February 12, 2023, 4 - 5:30 pm Eastern
Sunday February 19, 2023, 4 - 5:30 pm Eastern
Where: Zoom virtual forum
How: Email me to RSVP*

Join me for a 90-minute virtual presentation and discussion of recent and current world transits (the positions and relationships or alignments of the planets in the sky). Exploring and understanding the spiritual dynamics of these planetary relationships shed light on the events and moods of the world in very powerful ways. We’ll also look at the timing of the current transits, and when these transits will fade and be replaced by other powerful alignments that will indicate world-wide shifts and what those might be.

And because the world only responds through individuals, we will also explore these alignments at work in the lives of a few participating individuals. We’ll explore how these transits have been activating the birth chart, and the major events — physical, emotional, and spiritual — that emerged during this period.

*When you’ve let me know by email ( that you want to attend, I’ll respond to confirm. I’ll send the Zoom link one day before the event.

Body ◊ Soul
Bones for Life® Course
An Embodiment Practice

When: Sundays (ongoing)
Time: 2:30 - 4 pm Eastern / 11:30 am - 1 pm Pacific
Where: Zoom virtual forum

Past Events

Body ◊ Soul ◊ Cosmos

My Mission

It is my goal to help you experience and understand yourself as a soul fully incarnated into a body, both body and soul contained and embedded within a deeply meaningful and purposeful cosmos. What does it mean to be an embodied spirit, or body joined to soul? How can you become more aware of these two primary sides of yourself? How can you more fully integrate the two? And what are the results of this greater integration? 

Equally, what does it mean to be alive within an ocean of soul, profoundly affected by a cosmos that is intent on helping you evolve and grow into greater awareness?

Throughout your lifetime, as you journey through triumphs and challenges, you are being alchemically worked on and transformed by yourself and larger forces to advance your understanding and reach more evolved states of being.

This three-fold existence — Body ◊ Soul ◊ Cosmos — is a miraculous phenomenon, with the most profound consequences. It is through embodiment that your soul experiences conscious transformation, gaining deeper understanding of time, place, causation, and consequence, and much more. Embodiment is so important that some say that it is only through our incarnation that Divinity evolves. 

These perennial truths are stated in different ways by a broad spectrum of human spiritual traditions, including Sufism, Cabalism, Western Esotericism and Christian Mysticism, Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism, and Indigenous Shamanic practices around the world. 

Archetypal Soul Explorations

My Journey

I’ve been seeking deeper truths about what it means to be a human being my entire life, and a student of the esoteric, mystical, and spiritual arts for decades.


I started out interested in what science could explain about the universe and the human experience. I received a BA and MA in biochemistry and worked as a biochemist at UC Berkeley for several years. I realized relatively soon in that career that as profoundly effective as science is at explaining the material world, science had only some of the answers and very few about human consciousness.


I sought elsewhere for deeper truths and was led by friends to the Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI) where I studied, taught, and directed for much of a decade. There I learned the paradigm-shifting reality that we are not just material beings, but both spirit and body, and that there were aspects to our being that we could not normally see by the physical eyes, but that could be seen and communicated with through the inner eye. I had a multitude of extraordinary spiritual experiences at BPI that utterly transformed my understanding of reality. By the end of my time there, though, I began to suspect that larger forces were also at play, but wasn’t sure what those might be or how to begin to learn about them. So, I began my search again.


I was intrigued for many years by astrology, but despite having a few very interesting readings, it never gripped me as something to study. That all changed a few years after leaving BPI, when I had another life-changing experience in a coffee shop. I was deep in one of the most profound personal crises of my life, when an astrologer that I had a session with many months earlier came up to me, correctly announced my birthday without my saying anything, then proceeded to describe exactly what I was going through and its exact timing: when it began, when it would peak and wane, and when it would complete. Stunned, I sat there for several minutes just to gather myself. I knew my next step. I needed to learn astrology. I got up, walked straight to a neighborhood bookstore, bought several books about astrology, and went directly home to learn how to cast birth charts.

Since that day, decades ago, I have been an astrologer, focusing on spiritual and archetypal astrology, synthesizing all that I’ve learned from my scientific and spiritual studies. Wanting to know more about how all of these things weave together, I completed a PhD under Richard Tarnas, author of Psyche and Cosmos, where I focused my dissertation on the spiritual nature of the Platonic and Hermetic foundations of astrology and an in-depth historical analysis of historical movements correlated with the outer planetary cycles. In 2010, I co-founded Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Astrology.

Body Soul Cosmos - Putting it All Together

BPI gave me certainty about the embodied soul. Astrology and CIIS gave me certainty about an ensouled cosmos, active in human existence. I now became aware that I needed to return to body. Our bodies could not possibly be inert material containers for spirit. My experience was overwhelming that our bodies are just as magical and divine as the soul and the cosmos. I needed to understand that better.

Since 2010, I have returned to understand how spirit and body connect, primarily through studying the Feldenkrais® Method and the related work of Ruthy Alon. I am certified to teach her Bones for Life® program, part of her Movement Intelligence Programs.* Through the subtle movements of these disciplines, the active engagement of my spiritual imagination techniques, and the deep understanding of how we are being directed and gently led by cosmic forces, I have come to a deeper understanding of the divine nature of our bodies.

I am led now to help others understand the profound truth and amazing strength that comes from understanding and exploring our tripartite existence.

* Bones for Life® is a registered service mark of Ruthy Alon, PhD. Movement Intelligence Programs are the intellectual property of Ruthy Alon, PhD.

My Traditions

I’ve studied and experienced numerous traditions over decades:  

  • Scientific understanding of the material universe through research and lifelong curiosity

  • Spiritual, imagination, and intuition core practices mastered at the Berkeley Psychic Institute

  • Astrological understanding of the cosmos, human history, and the human psyche through decades of detailed research, study, and practice

  • Archetypal understanding of the soul, the cosmos, the astrological archetypes and how astrology works, based on the work of Richard Tarnas, Jung, Stanislav Grof, and others

  • Western esoteric and mystical spiritual traditions in PhD and post-doctoral studies at CIIS, including Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Cabala, Theosophy, and Neopaganism

  • Deep embodiment practices learned from Feldenkrais® and related frameworks

Education and Preparation

Vassar College
BA Biochemistry

University of California Berkeley
MA Biochemistry
Research Associate

California Institute of Integral Studies
PhD Philosophy and Religion
Focus on Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness
Adjunct Professor

Berkeley Psychic Institute
Advanced teacher and director training
Teacher and Director

Foundation for Movement Intelligence / Feldenkrais® Method
Movement Dialogues, Brenda Sorkin
Bones for Life® Certified Teacher

* Bones for Life® is a registered service mark of Ruthy Alon, PhD. Movement Intelligence Programs are the intellectual property of Ruthy Alon, PhD.

Body ◊ Soul ◊ Cosmos

Contact Me

Rod O’Neal, PhD

(415) 370-7224